Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Djikstra Algorithm Navigation Software

When you're on the road and want to go somewhere, usually you want to take the shortest route.  What's better than to have a program find it for you?  This week, I completed a program that does just that, given enough databases.

Coded in C++, this program uses the Djikstra algorithm to calculate the shortest distance and path from the source city to all possible destinations.  All the user needs to do is input the source city and it will calculate the shortest distances to all other cities that are available in the database (input.txt in the same folder as the executable file).

The download link to the file is below.  It contains a sample database that I created, and therefore the mileages are not accurate.  To install it, extract the contents of the zip file anywhere as long as the exe and input.txt are in the same directory.  The program should provide you with enough directions to get you started.  Simply type in the name of a city that appears on the command window.


Download the program here.

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